International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day – March 8
International Women’s Day – March 8
Rose Yello King…proudly grown in Ecuador
Last week we had the honor to be invited at the showroom of Royal De Ruiter, the premium rose breeder from Holland.
We just launched a new page, which will contain an up-to-date, weekly update of the current (Rose) production in Ecuador. We are constantly speaking with the leading farms in Ecuador to obtain a comprehensive situation of the market, so all wholesalers can accurately inform their retail clients of what’s going Read more…
For about the last three weeks, Ecuador has been experiencing much colder than normal temperatures, in addition to having many cloudy days and lots of rain. All these things combined have resulted in a further decrease in production cycles and therefore the number of stems that are harvested daily is Read more…
Last week, Ecuador raised its Sales Tax from 12% to 14%. Although the Ecuadorian President “sold” this to the people of Ecuador as a direct measure to help overcome the terrible losses of the recent earthquakes, the long-term result will undoubtedly be an inflation increase in the country which will affect everybody. Read more…
This short video shows today’s hailstorm in Rionegro, Colombia. This is the region where most of the Hydrangeas are being grown. This video came to us from one of the growers; you can clearly see the hail falling from the sky. There is a high chance this will negatively affect the immediate Read more…
Rose production was already very low during the last few weeks, but it appears to be going even lower at the moment. All wedding colors including white, peach, blush, cream, (light) pink, and coral are in very short supply. Only reds, some orange varieties, and “assorted color” boxes remain on the Read more…
Our new website is up and running! In these last weeks, we have been working hard to get our new website live. We have even added Live Chat functionality, where you can connect with us, directly on our website! Give it a try! Going forward, we will try to give Read more…
As a first post of our new blog, we thought it would be very appropriate to remind everybody how the flower industry has come a long way. Today, it’s hard to imagine a world without the internet. But back in the days, imported flowers were not even available yet. Fax machines Read more…